using gnash
(too old to reply)
Chuck Robey
2010-01-22 17:51:52 UTC
I got the graphics/gnash port built & installed, but nothing happened when I
pointed my firefox at youtube. I think it's most likely that something extra is
needed to complete the installation, or perhaps it's only a subset of the
youtube URLs that display, and I've picked a poor one?

If either are true, what will get gnash working for me on FreeBSD-current? Oh,
yes, I saw that there was a gnash-devel port, I didn't use that one, should I have?

Or, maybe it's something simple like rebuilding firefox?
Henry Hu
2010-01-22 17:57:31 UTC
Post by Chuck Robey
I got the graphics/gnash port built & installed, but nothing happened when I
pointed my firefox at youtube.  I think it's most likely that something extra is
needed to complete the installation, or perhaps it's only a subset of the
youtube URLs that display, and I've picked a poor one?
Do you see the plugin in the about:plugins page?

As I see from the pkg-plist, the gnash port installs the plugin into
certain place. You may try to create a symbol link of the plugin file
in the ~/.mozilla/plugins/ directory.
Post by Chuck Robey
If either are true, what will get gnash working for me on FreeBSD-current?  Oh,
yes, I saw that there was a gnash-devel port, I didn't use that one, should I have?
Or, maybe it's something simple like rebuilding firefox?
Chuck Robey
2010-01-23 20:34:40 UTC
Post by Henry Hu
Do you see the plugin in the about:plugins page?
No, never heard of it and can't find that page. Would be thrilled to get a URL.
Post by Henry Hu
As I see from the pkg-plist, the gnash port installs the plugin into
certain place. You may try to create a symbol link of the plugin file
in the ~/.mozilla/plugins/ directory.
Post by Chuck Robey
If either are true, what will get gnash working for me on FreeBSD-current? Oh,
yes, I saw that there was a gnash-devel port, I didn't use that one, should I have?
Or, maybe it's something simple like rebuilding firefox?
Sorry for writing again, but I've now spent a lot of time Googling this, and
also searching the FreeBSD mailing lists. I can find complaints
about gnash, but I also see a couple of mails telling that gnash works well for
them. Trouble is, they just say "install it", but give no details. Above, you
say that I might symlink the plugin, but I haven't the least idea which of the
many files in the pkg-plist *IS* the plugin, none are so obviously named.
Otherwise, I'd be happy to do that. I *did* find a plugins dir inside my
~/.mozilla dir, so if I only could find out what the name of the plugin might
be, that would help.

Howcome it is that the port hasn't got one even general word of description on
installing, if it won't take on the install task itself. I interpret install as
getting it to the point that it works, not just putting it someplace. Don't
tell me it couldn't be done, there *could* be an option to configure several
browsers to work, say with a negative default.

If there's a squib on this someplace, and you give me a URL, I'd be happy to
read it, but I'm just not a browser internals expert. I'm not even sure, is the
stuff from (for example) youtube a *.flv file? I saw an oblique reference to
that once. I found a file in the .mozilla/defaults dir which was mimeTypes.rdf,
but it had a complicated format which I can't figure out well enough to
synthesize an entry for a .flv file (if that might be correct).
Frank Wißmann
2010-01-23 20:51:07 UTC
Post by Chuck Robey
Post by Henry Hu
Do you see the plugin in the about:plugins page?
No, never heard of it and can't find that page. Would be thrilled to get a URL.
Type in the field where you normally enter your URL:




to get some results.

Greetings Frank
GU d- s:+ a+ C+>$ UBS>$ P L- !E--- W N+@ !o K--? !w--- O !M- !V- PS+ PE
Y? !PGP- t+ 5 X !R tv- b++ DI !D G e h+ r- y?

When pack meets pack in the jungle
and no one will move from the trail
wait till the leaders have spoken
it may be fair words shall prevail

(Rudyard Kipling)
Chuck Robey
2010-01-25 19:54:27 UTC
Post by Henry Hu
Post by Chuck Robey
Post by Henry Hu
Do you see the plugin in the about:plugins page?
No, never heard of it and can't find that page. Would be thrilled to get a URL.
to get some results.
Fantastic. I was getting to a rather high level of frustration on this, but
with the info available via the about:plugins, I finally figured out that I'd
had both the gnash plugin misinstalled AND an old Linux flash plugin still
hanging around and not working. Fixed both, and when I gave it about 10 to 30
seconds to load, animations now work. I haven't got the audio to work, but
(unless I hear from hint here) I'll continue to work on it.

Thanks for the response.
