On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 15:07:37 +0100 (CET)
Post by Bernhard FroehlichI've had some spare time and created a mythweb port yesterday.
Since I had some spare time, I tested it.
Post by Bernhard Froehlich# fetch http://svn.bluelife.at/nightlies/blueports.tar.gz
# tar xvf blueports.tar.gz ports/www/mythweb
# cd ports/www/mythweb && make install clean
This worked well. I installed apache22 with default options, php5 with
APACHE=on. After having wreestled with the apache configuration (see
below) I got an error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function spl_autoload_register()
in /usr/local/www/mythweb/includes/class_autoload.php on line 33
It turns out that the port php5-spl is needed also. After that, mythweb
works. I can eve strem recordings from mythweb with vlc.
Post by Bernhard FroehlichYou need to manually configure apache after that and lighttpd is not
supported yet.
Grr, I am not very comfortable with Apache 2.x configuration - I was
much better at the way it was done in 1.3.x.
Anyway, I opted for a simple setup (no authentication) on my testbox. I
copied /usr/local/www/mythweb/mythweb.conf.apache
to /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/mythweb.conf
(I used Includes ratrher than extra, because it is already enabled
in /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf )
I changed the directory paths in it to /usr/local/www/mythweb/data
and /usr/local/mythweb/
I added an Alias:
Alias /mythweb/ "/usr/local/www/mythweb/"
and added
Allow from all
to the section
<Directory "/usr/local/www/mythweb/" >
Then I changed
# RewriteBase /mythweb
RewriteBase /mythweb/
And restarted apache. (Remember, you've got to configure php into
httpd.conf also. At least I think you need to.)
Update: I just tested with authenticaton on - it works too. vlc
understands the auth requests, but Mplayer and Totem (called
"Movie PLayer" in Xubuntu) does not.
Again, thanks Bernhard!
Torfinn Ingolfsen