Testing MythTV 0.21 - no MPEG hardware cards?
(too old to reply)
Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-04-18 15:00:21 UTC

I finally found some time to try out the new MythTV 0.21 port.
Here are my notes.
Doing all this on a machine running:
***@kg-quiet# uname -a
FreeBSD kg-quiet.kg4.no 7.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 7.2-PRERELEASE #3: Sun
Mar 29 14:46:57 CEST 2009
***@kg-quiet.kg4.no:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/QUIET amd64
The machine has a PVR-350 card, and I'm using usleep's pvrxxx driver:
Mar 29 19:35:04 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: <Conexant iTVC15 MPEG Coder> mem 0xf8000000-0xfbffffff irq 20 at device 0.0 on pci2
Mar 29 19:35:04 kg-quiet kernel: cxm_iic0: <Conexant iTVC15 / iTVC16 I2C controller> on cxm0
Mar 29 19:35:04 kg-quiet kernel: iicbb0: <I2C bit-banging driver> on cxm_iic0
Mar 29 19:35:04 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: Eeprom PAL
Mar 29 19:35:04 kg-quiet kernel: tuner: type set to 38 (Philips PAL/SECAM multi (FM1216ME MK3)) by cxm
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: SAA7115 rev 1 video decoder
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: MSP4418G-B3 audio decoder
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: IR Remote
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: [ITHREAD]
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: encoder firmware version 0x2060039
Mar 29 19:35:07 kg-quiet kernel: cxm0: decoder firmware version 0x2020023

In mythtv-setup I choose a "V4L analog card" - there didn't seem to be a more appropriate setting.
Specifically, why can't I select a "MPEG-2 encoder card" or something like that?
The choices are:
Analog V4L capture card
MJPEG capture card (Matrox G200, DC10)
USB MPEG-4 encoder box (Plextor ConvertX, etc)
DBox2 TCP/IP cable box
HDHomeRun DTV tuner box
Network Recorder

Video source setup and the rest of the things seems to work, but it's kind of hard to test when I can't get my tuner / capture card
More to come, once I figure this out.
Torfinn Ingolfsen
Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-04-20 07:33:26 UTC

On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 21:06:51 -0400
have you tried the pvr-xxx port? if not, do try it!
Yes, if you re-read my message, you will see that I state that I am
using the latest pvrxxx port.
Basically, I believe you want to try to get your card working in
mplayer before you worry about mythtv.
I didn't specify that clearly, but yes - mplayer works.
Maybe you already have... but thats just my 2c
You could perhaps save a bit of money if you read messages more
closely. :-)

All the best,
Torfinn Ingolfsen
Mark Busby
2009-04-20 16:59:34 UTC
I've been a using the pvrxxx, I tried the updated mythtv port within the last 30 days, I had the same result as Torfinn. My pvr-150 would not work.
The last I read was the V4l needed work for it to run in freebsd. This may have changed.
Subject: Re: Testing MythTV 0.21 - no MPEG hardware cards?
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 2:33 AM
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 21:06:51 -0400
have you tried the pvr-xxx port? if not, do try it!
Yes, if you re-read my message, you will see that I state
that I am
using the latest pvrxxx port.
Basically, I believe you want to try to get your card
working in
mplayer before you worry about mythtv.
I didn't specify that clearly, but yes - mplayer works.
Maybe you already have... but thats just my 2c
You could perhaps save a bit of money if you read messages
closely. :-)
All the best,
Torfinn Ingolfsen
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Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-04-21 15:25:50 UTC

Please don't top post.

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:59:34 -0700 (PDT)
Post by Mark Busby
I've been a using the pvrxxx, I tried the updated mythtv port within
the last 30 days, I had the same result as Torfinn. My pvr-150 would
not work. The last I read was the V4l needed work for it to run in
freebsd. This may have changed.
In case anyone is confused: IMO, pointing a fiunger at the pvrxxx port
at this time is _very_ premature.

pvrxxx has worked since usleep fixed it a few years back (of course
ther have been breakages now and then), and continues to work today. My
current production MythTV backend is a machine with a PVR-500 card,
***@kg-fil# uname -a
FreeBSD kg-fil.kg4.no 6.2-STABLE FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE #20: Mon Mar 12 23:04:49 CET 2007 ***@kg-fil.kg4.no:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FIL60 amd64
***@kg-fil# pv | grep pvr
pvrxxx-20060822 = up-to-date with port
***@kg-fil# pv | grep mythtv
mythtv-0.20 = up-to-date with port
***@kg-fil# mythbackend --version
Library API version: 0.20.20060828-3
Source code version: FreeBSD Ports Collection /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv, MythTV version 0.20 Tue Mar 13 23:10:55 CET 2007
Options compiled in:
freebsd release using_v4l using_oss using_arts using_ivtv using_dbox2 using_hdhr using_ip_rec using_freebox using_live using_x11 using_xv using_xrandr using_frontend using_backend

There is something wrong with the mythtv 0.21 port, I simply can't figure out why the "MPEG-2..." card type selection is missing from mythtv-setup. I have googled quite bit, but no clues so far.
Torfinn Ingolfsen
Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-05-01 13:07:50 UTC
A small update.

On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 17:00:21 +0200
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
In mythtv-setup I choose a "V4L analog card" - there didn't seem to
be a more appropriate setting. Specifically, why can't I select a
Analog V4L capture card
MJPEG capture card (Matrox G200, DC10)
USB MPEG-4 encoder box (Plextor ConvertX, etc)
DBox2 TCP/IP cable box
HDHomeRun DTV tuner box
Network Recorder
I upgraded the mythtv port to version 0.21_1. Alas - no joy.
I have still the same problems - no "MPEG-2 encoder card" card type
available to select in mythtv-setup.
Torfinn Ingolfsen
Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-11-14 19:59:25 UTC

old thread, but I finally got a clue which helped me figuring this out.

On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 17:00:21 +0200
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
In mythtv-setup I choose a "V4L analog card" - there didn't seem to
be a more appropriate setting. Specifically, why can't I select a
The reason for this is the '--disable-ivtv' flag in the CONFIG line i
the Makefile of the port.

I removed that flag, and I added the patch to videoout_ivtv.cpp
suggested[1] by usleep in the MythTV 0.22 discussion on this very mailing list.
(patch attached)

After that, MythTV 0.21_2 compiles, installs and runs on this machine:
***@kg-quiet# uname -a
FreeBSD kg-quiet.kg4.no 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #6: Sat May 30 16:13:13 CEST 2009 ***@kg-quiet.kg4.no:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/QUIET amd64

There are still a few problems:
- mythtv and mythfromtend core dumps when closing
But hey - progress at last!

1) http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-multimedia/2009-November/010483.html
Torfinn Ingolfsen
Bernhard Froehlich
2009-11-15 12:39:40 UTC
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
old thread, but I finally got a clue which helped me figuring this out.
On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 17:00:21 +0200
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
In mythtv-setup I choose a "V4L analog card" - there didn't seem to
be a more appropriate setting. Specifically, why can't I select a
The reason for this is the '--disable-ivtv' flag in the CONFIG line i
the Makefile of the port.
I removed that flag, and I added the patch to videoout_ivtv.cpp
suggested[1] by usleep in the MythTV 0.22 discussion on this very mailing list.
(patch attached)
FreeBSD kg-quiet.kg4.no 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #6: Sat May 30
Good to hear that. With what card and driver have you achived that?
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
- mythtv and mythfromtend core dumps when closing
They always do.

I'm currently including the patch from usleep and finishing up the 0.22
ports to get a call for testers out today.
Bernhard Fröhlich
Torfinn Ingolfsen
2009-11-15 17:38:38 UTC
On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:39:40 +0100 (CET)
Post by Bernhard Froehlich
Good to hear that. With what card and driver have you achived that?
Hauppauge PVR-350, output from pciconf -lv:
***@pci0:2:0:0: class=0x040000 card=0x40000070 chip=0x08034444 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
vendor = 'Conexant Inc (Was: Globespan, ICompression Inc)'
device = 'iTVC15/CX23415 MPEG Codec'
class = multimedia
subclass = video

I am using the pvrxxx driver, this version:
***@kg-quiet# portversion -v | grep pvr
pvrxxx-09042008 < needs updating (port has 20060822_1)
Post by Bernhard Froehlich
Post by Torfinn Ingolfsen
- mythtv and mythfromtend core dumps when closing
They always do.
Hopefully that can be fixed; mythfilldatabase also core dumps,
with the effect that the epg in the database isn't updated.
Post by Bernhard Froehlich
I'm currently including the patch from usleep and finishing up the
0.22 ports to get a call for testers out today.
Torfinn Ingolfsen